[Video] When And Why To Do Calibrations On F123

How easily to calibrate your F123 3D printer.

Calibration tells the machine where the extrusion tips are in relation to the print surface and each other. It's necessary whenever you remove or replace a print head, and regular calibration ensures your print quality remains perfect.

Steps to Calibrate:

  • Automatic Calibration: Begin by selecting the automatic calibration option on the touch screen. Ensure NO black tray is in the machine; a countdown will begin. This countdown allows the printer to reach and stabilize at print temperature, ensuring thermal expansion doesn't affect tolerances. The machine will test the position of the tips against the + shaped cutouts on the build platform.

  • Manual Calibration: After the automatic calibration finishes, place a build tray in the machine. Run a manual calibration to fine-tune the settings. Once printing is complete, press ‘next’ and remove the calibration part from the printer.

Next, examine the calibration pattern. Use a magnifying loupe or take a picture with your phone to examine the calibration pattern closely. On each side of the box are two parallel lines with a nearly parallel one in between. Identify where the support toolpath is correctly centered between the model toolpaths. Start at zero and move up and down to find the necessary offsets, turning the print and working vertically.

For more in-depth instructions and important information, I suggest watching our video on calibration.