Why does SOLIDWORKS look strange?

Sometimes, especially after an update, SOLIDWORKS may look or behave slightly differently than you are familiar with. This article will cover the few most common settings to check.

Enhanced Graphics Performance


When experiencing strange graphical behavior or slow performance, we recommend first ensuring that Enhanced graphics performance is disabled.

Starting in 2021, SOLIDWORKS introduced a new setting: Enhanced Graphics Performance. This option improves graphical performance and affects rotate, pan, and zoom for parts and assemblies, and the display of drawings that have shaded or draft quality views. This is a setting which can have drastic effects on the performance and behavior of SOLIDWORKS, depending on your particular system.


*NOTE: This setting is enabled by default and can be re-enabled automatically when updating SOLIDWORKS*


You can access the Enhanced graphics performance setting by navigating to Tools > Options > System Options >Performance, then scrolling down if necessary to Enhanced graphics performance.


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Changing this setting can slightly alter the way certain materials display or lighting effects, and is frequently not worth the performance hit, and in some cases, the added instability.


Use Software OpenGL


Another common cause of poor graphical performance is an older or underpowered card, which can sometimes be alleviated by using software OpenGL. To toggle this setting, be sure that you have all files within SOLIDWORKS closed, and then access the settings menu at Tools > Options > System Options >Performance, then scrolling down if necessary to Use software OpenGL, which should be right next to Enhanced Graphics Performance.


Graphics Card Drivers


Another factor that can automatically change is your graphics card drivers. Drivers which are too new can cause issues just the same as drivers that are too old. You can see the supported driver for your card on this list here: https://www.solidworks.com/support/hardware-certification/.


You can see which driver you have currently installed byt launching SOLIDWORKS Rx and navigating to the Diagnostics tab.


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You may need to wait for a minute or so, but then it should provide you with your system information, including driver version. If it does not match, then download and install the correct driver to see if your issue is resolved!