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  2. Troubleshooting

What's wrong with my 3DEXPERIENCE login?

This article will outline some of the steps that can be used to troubleshoot issues with 3DEXPERIENCE login errors.

Before we get started – You’ll need the following

  • 3DEXPERIENCE login credentials
  • 3DSwymer role

Note: It is important to know if you do in fact have 3DEXPERIENCE login credentials. You may experience the following errors even if you do not have credentials, so it is important to first know if you are unable to login with existing credentials or need to create new credentials.

1. Incorrect Username/Email or Password

1.1. One at a time, first check that the email or username you are entering match your records. If you determine that they are correct, next check your Password.

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1.2. If your password is incorrect, click the link for Forgot your Password?

1.3. If you do not receive an email to reset your password, then the email used was incorrect and you will need to contact your VAR to correct the email associated with your account. Submit a new case online.

2. Access Denied

Note: This error will only occur if you have entered the correct login credentials.

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2.1. If you get the Access Denied screen, it may mean that the proper licenses are not available to you or they might not be assigned to you. Each user, at a minimum, needs the 3DSwymer role to access the platform. If you are not sure about what roles are assigned to you, contact your platform administrator.

2.2. If you know you have the correct roles or you are the platform administrator, then we suggest trying to clear the browser’s Cache & Cookies. You can also try launching this page (https://www.solidworks.com/3dx) from your browser in Incognito Mode.

If you are still having trouble accessing your account, please contact CADimensions Technical Support for further assistance. 

If you have an existing case, please contact the Application Engineer you are working with; otherwise submit a new case online.