How To Open PDM Ports For Easy Connection

For PDM to connect properly to all components of the application, all necessary PDM ports must be opened and unblocked. This guide will explain what ports to open and how!

The following ports must be open and whitelisted:

  • PDM Archive Server: TCP and UCP ports 3030
  • SQL Server: TCP port 1433 and UDP port 1434
  • Web2 Server: HTTP port 80 and HTTPS port 443
  • SolidNetWork License Server: TCP Port 25734 and 25735

1. Start Windows Firewall by searching for “Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security” from your start button or search field in the bottom left of your Windows desktop.

2. Highlight Inbound Rules and click New Rule.

3. Select Port and then Next.

4. Select TCP and enter ports 3030, 1433,1434, 80, 443, 25734, and 25735 separated by commas. Then click next.

5. Allow the connection, Next.

6. Allow the connection for Domain and Private connections.

7. Type a Rule Name, for this example PDM TCP Inbound. Click Finish.

8. Select Outbound Rules and click New Rule.

9. Select Port and then Next.

10. Select TCP and enter ports 3030, 1433,1434, 80, 443, 25734, and 25735 separated by commas. Then click next.

11. Allow the connection, Next.

12. Allow the connection for Domain and Private connections.

13. Type a Rule Name, for this example PDM TCP Outbound. Click Finish.

14. Repeat steps 2-13 by selecting the UDP option under “Protocol and Ports” instead of TCP to define the inbound and outbound rules for the UDP connection.


After adding the inbound and outbound ports for PDM's TCP and UDP connections you're PDM should be able to connect over your office network without issue!