How do I run a RX in SOLIDWORKS Connected?

This article will walk you through the steps for creating a RX in SOLIDWORKS Connected through the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

There are three different ways to start an Rx for SolidWorks Connected.

The simplest way is from inside SolidWorks Connected. Click the question mark (?) icon in the upper right corner, then select SOLIDWORKS Rx from the dropdown menu

The second way is to right-click the SolidWorks Resource Monitor in the system tray, then select "Run System Diagnostics"

Either one of these processes will lead you to the SolidWorks Rx window

Next, select the Problem Capture tab

From here, the process is very similar to a standard SolidWorks Rx Capture

Simply click "Record Video", demonstrate the issue you are experiencing, then click Finish to complete the capture

Please try to stick to these guidelines for your Problem Captures. This is also the model we use on our website when submitting a case. Cases usually default to Medium severity. When selecting a severity, feel free to use these guidelines to justify your reasoning! 

Now, what can you do with this problem capture file? Well, you can submit it on our technical support page! Here's a link to make it easier: Just hit the browse button down toward the bottom and fill out your information.


Thanks for reading!