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How do I Manually update my SOLIDWORKS Toolbox after Upgrading?

Have you upgraded SOLIDWORKS, but forgot to have SOLIDWORKS automatically update the toolbox? I'll be going over exactly how to perform a manual update to the toolbox utilizing an adapter found within your SOLIDWORKS files that can do it all for you.

Step 1: Make a copy of your existing Toolbox

Let’s jump right into it and start by making a copy of your already existing toolbox version that you’d like to upgrade as a backup copy. Your toolbox can typically be found in the default location in your C: Drive. The entire toolbox folder, by default, is named “SOLIDWORKS Data” and can be found in the following location: ‘C:\SOLIDWORKS Data’. Right-click on the SOLIDWORKS Data folder and hit Copy, and then right-click in the same folder (or on your Desktop if you prefer) and choose to Paste it.

Step 2: Manual update

Now that the backup has been created, we can begin the process of manually updating your toolbox. Navigate to the following location, ‘C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\Toolbox\lang\English’. Within this folder, there will be a file named “swbrowser.sldedb” that you will have to right-click on, select Properties, and be sure that the file is not set to Read Only. This will allow changes to be made to this file which is what we’re about to do.

Toolbox Manual Update Picture


Step 3: Run the .exe

Browse to ‘C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\Toolbox\data utilities’ and find the executable named “UpdateBrowserData.exe”. Right-click on it, and choose to Run as Administrator.

Manual update toolbox picture 2

Step 4: Check the location

In the “Database to Update” field, ensure that the location in the box is set to the correct location found in Step 2. (C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\Toolbox\lang\English\swbrowser.sldedb)

Manual toolbox update 3

Step 5: Update

Click the Update button at the bottom of the window and the updater should begin running. This may take a couple of minutes to update all of your toolbox files.

Step 6: Repoint the toolbox

Once it is done, repoint your SOLIDWORKS toolbox location to this Data folder by loading up SOLIDWORKS and heading to your Options > System Options > Hole Wizard/Toolbox. Click on the browser button (the three dots) and browse to the new SOLIDWORKS Data folder and hit OK. And now you’re ready to use your newly updated SOLIDWORKS Toolbox!