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How do I fix the "Default Templates are not valid" Error?

You may receive the "Default Templates are not valid" error after modifying your file structure or after performing an upgrade, this guide will guide you through the resolution to the error.

Verify your File Location for your Document Templates

  1. Go to your System Options in SOLIDWORKS and make sure the path to your templates is accurate. In most cases where this happens, it's pointing to an old folder. To do this, navigate to Tools > Options > System Options tab > File Locations.
  2. Select Document Templates from the drop down list and delete any older versions, as well as check to see if the folder listed is the current version, as this error can frequently occur after an upgrade. The default path for 2024 is "C:\ProgramData\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2024\templates"

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  3. Once you set the path correctly, click OK to close the options.



Updating Default Templates

  1. Within the Tools > Options > System Options tab, now select Default Templates on the left pane.
  2. You should be able to click each of the three buttons to the right of the part, assembly and drawing template paths, and pick a file to set as the default from the step above. This will keep the "Default templates are not valid" message from appearing.

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  3. You can see in the example that one of the file paths is using a folder associated with 2022, not 2024. We will want to update that path by clicking the three dots to the right, and selecting the path we identified in the earlier steps.
  4. Once you are satisfied, click OK


Verify other File Locations

  1. Navigate back to Tools > Options > System Options tab > File Locations, and click on Edit All.

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  2. Click On Find/ Replace

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  3. Enter in the previous version in the Find section, the desired upgrade version in the Replace field, and click Replace All.

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  4. Click OK and proceed. This will help tie up any loose ends, as these paths can change when drives are changed, upgrades are made, or after an upgrade if any custom template locations were used.