3 Quick Tips on Importing into SOLIDWORKS

Import generic file formats from other 3D modeling software with this quick guide!


SOLIDWORKS has some great tools available to help you with importing. Here are a couple to get you started:


It starts with what to ask for when your customer is sending you a file. My rules are…

  1. Parasolid (.x_t)
    1. .x_t comes in cleaner that .x_b
    2. SOLIDWORKS is written on the Parasolid Kernel so there is no translation happening in the background.
  2. STEP
    1. 203
    2. 214
    3. 242 (MBD - includes readable PMI)
  3. IGES
    1. Definitely the most used neutral format but development stopped in 1994 (Wow, what a long time ago)


Import Diagnostic…
Always run the Import Diagnostic tool. This slick tool will try to repair any tolerance and topology issues with the imported model.  One trick is that you can actually hit the “Attempt to Heal All” multiple times and this way you might fix 1, 2, 3 on the 1st try and then 4, 5 etc. on the next.  If that fails, you can also “Right-Mouse-Button” either a specific gap or face in the list displayed and repair that individual selection.


Open edge display…
The last trick is one of my favorites… I, like most other SOLIDWORKS users run my default display style as “Shaded with edges,” well if there are any gaps in the imported model, you can actually see those edges in the color blue if the display style is changed to Wireframe.

As you can see, SOLIDWORKS has some great tools welcoming other types of 3D models.

Check out my Lunch & Learn webinar on our YouTube channel for more information...